Hello …


Selamat datang di blog saya, terima kasih sudah berkunjung. Saya seorang dosen di Fakultas Informatika Universitas Telkom, Indonesia. Biasanya saya mengajar mata kuliah Pemrosesan Bahasa Alami, Pengenalan Pemrograman, Teori Bahasa dan Automata, serta Pembelajaran Mesin.

Saya melakukan penelitian di bidang Pemrosesan Bahasa Alami, Penambangan Teks, Ekstraksi Informasi, serta topik lain yang terkait. Daftar publikasi saya dapat dilihat di sini. Selain mengajar dan meneliti, saya aktif di Masyarakat Linguistik Komputasional Indonesia (MALKIN), saat ini sebagai Wakil Ketua, dan menjadi bagian dari Biro Bebras Telkom University dalam melakukan sosialisasi Berpikir Komputasional bagi kurikulum pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Saya juga terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan sosial kelompok dukungan Ibu Menyusui, Asosiasi Ibu Menyusui Indonesia (AIMI) Jawa Barat.

Welcome to my blog, thanks for stopping by. I am a lecturer at School of Computing, Telkom University.  In this semester I teach Natural Language Processing and Introduction to Programming.

My research interests are: Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, and Information Extraction, and other related topics.  My publications could be found here. Beside teaching and doing research, currently I serve as the Vice President of Indonesian Association for Computational Lingusitics, and actively involved in Telkom University Bebras Bureau, which the main activity is to promote and socialize the computational thinking on K-12 education. I also very passionate on doing social activity, currently actively involved in Indonesian Breastfeeding Mother association, West Java region, a mother support group with the goal to increase the breastfeeding rates in Indonesia.

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